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The Holy Spirit 2007-2008 Sermon Series

In 2006, I spent a year studying the Bible to learn about the Holy Spirit. In 2007, I began teaching on the Holy Spirit in the Staten Island ministry of the New York City Church of Christ. The material was broken up into several series and ran into 2008. Since then, I've taught summary material in various locations, and people routinely ask if I have more material available. While I've grown in my walk with God since then, the core of what I believe about the Spirit has remained the same. I share these sermons for your study and further growth in knowing the Spirit. Please search the scriptures to see if the material is true to God's Word. As I've begun reviewing this material recently, my beliefs haven't changed, but there are several spots where I would probably use a particular scripture differently.

Who is the Spirit?

The Coming of the Spirit

The Spirit vs Sin

The Spirit's Actions

Gifts of the Spirit

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